Home Camping Tips How Much Firewood Do I Need for Camping?

How Much Firewood Do I Need for Camping?

by Rayhan

Who doesn’t love a good campfire? There’s something about sitting around a crackling fire in the great outdoors that makes everything feel right. If you’re planning camping, you’ll need to ensure you have enough firewood to last the trip.

But how much firewood do you actually need? It can be tough to estimate, especially if you’ve never been camping before. Usually, it takes 2-4 bundles a day if each bundle consists of 4-5 logs and 3-4 inches in diameter. But it all depends on the size of your fire and how long you keep it going.

This article will give tips on estimating the amount of firewood you’ll need for your camping trip. We’ll also let you know how to store and tips about firewood so that it stays dry and ready to use.

How Much Firewood Do You Need for a Camping Trip ( Table)

Well, these tables may look a bit rigorous, but we are presenting some data based on experience and research. The amount of wood you will need on a camping trip depends on many factors. The 2 tables below are a guide to give you a rough idea of how much wood you need.

Based on people

Number of PeopleNumber of FiresNumber of Bundles
1-2 people          1 fire2-4 bundles
3-4 people          2 fires4-8 bundles
5-6 people          3 fires6-12 bundles
7-8 people          4 fires         8-16 bundles
9+ people          5+ fires10+ bundles

 Based on duration:

Total Campfire Duration (Hour)Amount of Firewood Required (Warmth)Amount of Firewood Required (Cooking)
1-2 hours          1-2 bundles1-2 bundles
3-4 hours          2-4 bundles3-5 bundles
5-6 hours          4-6 fires5-7 bundles

What Type of Wood Is Best for Campfire/Bonfire?

Many different types of wood can be used for campfires or bonfires. The type of wood you choose will depend on personal preference and availability. Some of the most common types of wood used for campfires include:

Oak Wood

Oak is a hardwood that burns slowly and hot. It’s a good choice for larger fires that must be kept going for a long time. Also, oak is a good choice because it burns slowly if you want to roast marshmallows or cook hot dogs over the fire. Typically, it is available all year round.

Birch Wood

Birch is a light, soft wood that burns quickly. It’s a good choice if you need a quick fire for warmth or to cook over. However, because it burns so quickly, you will need to add more birch to the fire to keep it going. Birch is usually found in North America and Europe.

Hickory Wood

There is no doubt that hickory wood is one of the best woods for campfires. Hickory is a hardwood that burns hot and long. It’s perfect for larger fires that must be kept going for a while. Hickory is often used for barbecues and smoking meat because it gives food a unique flavor. Usually, hickory is available all year round.

Pine Wood

Pine is a softwood that burns quickly and gives off very little heat. It’s not the best choice for an extended fire, but it can be used if you need a quick one for warmth or cooking. In North America and Europe, pine is quite common.

Ash Wood

Arguably the best wood for camping, Ash is a hardwood that burns hot and lasts long. It’s an excellent all-around choice for campfires. Even though Ash is a common type of wood, it may not be easy to find in some areas.

Determinants of How Much Firewood You Need For Camping

Now, let’s look into some crucial factors determining the amount of firewood you need.

1.    Number of People Camping

If you’re camping with a large group of people, you’ll need more firewood than going alone. This is because many additional people will utilize fire for warmth and cooking. In addition, larger groups tend to remain up later around the campfire, so you’ll want plenty of wood to keep the fire burning all night.

2.    How Long You Plan on Keeping the Fire Going

If you only plan on burning the fire for a few hours, then you won’t need as much wood as if you plan to keep it going all night. Enough wood is essential to last the entire time you want the fire burning. Otherwise, you’ll be left in the cold!

3.    Weather Conditions

The weather conditions during your camping trip will also affect how much wood you need. You’ll need more wood to keep the fire going and generate enough heat if it’s cold. Even if it’s raining, you’ll need more wood to keep the fire going since damp wood doesn’t burn.

4.    Wood Moisture Content

The amount of wood you’ll need to keep the fire going is determined by its moisture level. If the wood is dry, it will burn more quickly and require more fuel. On the other hand, if the wood is wet, it will burn slowly and not require as much fuel. More than 20% moisture content is typically too high; therefore, the wood won’t burn well.

How to Store Firewood So that It Lasts?

If you want your firewood to last, you must know how much you need and store it correctly. Here are some valuable tips:

  • Keep the wood dry – This is perhaps the most important tip for storing firewood. If the wood is damp, it won’t burn well. Be sure to store the wood in a dry place, so it doesn’t get wet.
  • Cover the wood – Another way to keep it dry is to cover it with a tarp or similar. It will protect it from rain and other elements that could cause it to become damp.
  • Stack the wood properly – When stacking the wood, be sure to do so in a way that allows air to circulate.
  • Use old wood first – When using the wood, be sure to use the oldest pieces first. It will help ensure that the wood doesn’t go to waste.
  • Check the wood regularly – It’s essential to inspect it for moisture or wetness frequently. Immediately take steps to protect the rest of the lumber if you notice either.

Tips for Starting Campfire

Starting a campfire can be tricky, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are a few tips to get you started:

  1. Gather the proper materials: In order to start a campfire, you’ll need tinder, kindling, and logs. Tinder is a material that lights easily and burns quickly. This includes paper, dry leaves, or even cotton balls soaked in petroleum jelly. Kindling is small pieces of wood that will help the fire to grow. Once the kindling burns, you can add larger logs to keep the fire going.
  • Create a teepee: One of the most popular ways to start a campfire is to build a teepee. To do this, simply place the tinder in the center of the fire pit. Then, surround it with the kindling, packing it in tightly. Once you have your teepee set up, light the fuel in the center and wait for the fire to spread.
  • Make a log cabin: Another common way to start a campfire is to build a log cabin. To do this, place two logs parallel to each other in the fire pit. Then, place two more logs on top of them perpendicular to them. Continue adding logs in this manner until you have a sturdy structure. Once your log cabin is set up, place the tinder in the center and light it. The fire should spread from the tinder to the logs, igniting them.
  • Use a fire starter: If you’re having trouble getting the fire going, you can always use a fire starter. This is a material that helps to ignite the fire. Fire starters can be bought at most camping stores.
  • Add oxygen: In order for a fire to start and continue burning, it needs oxygen. Be sure to add oxygen to the fire by blowing on it or using a bellows. This will help to get the fire going and keep it burning.


Now that you know how much firewood you need for camping, it’s time to get started on your trip! Gather some friends, family, or fellow campers and head out into the great outdoors. Don’t forget to bring along plenty of wood so you can stay warm and toasty all night long. Whether roasting marshmallows or simply sitting around the fire, take time to enjoy the moment.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Clear the area around your campfire of any debris that could catch fire. This includes leaves, sticks, and branches.
  2. If you’re using a pre-made fire pit, build your fire in the center of it. It will help contain the smoke.
  3. Use dry wood that has been aged for at least six months. Wet or green wood creates more smoke.
  4. Avoid adding chemicals to your fire. It includes lighter fluid, gasoline, and accelerants. These can create harmful fumes.
  1. Start by looking for dead branches that are lying on the ground. These are often the easiest to find and collect.
  2. You can also look for fallen trees or limbs. These may be larger and more difficult to gather, but they’ll provide plenty of wood for your fire.
  3. You can also collect wood from living trees in a pinch. However, only do this if you have permission from the landowner. And be sure to use a saw or axe to avoid damaging the tree.

Typically, a bundle of firewood contains about 4 to 6 pieces of wood. The exact amount will vary depending on the size of the pieces and how they’re cut.

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