Home Camping Tips How to Pack Eggs for Camping?

How to Pack Eggs for Camping?

by Rayhan
How to Pack Eggs for Camping

There are just some specific foods that go well with a camping trip. The food we take on a camping trip needs to fulfill a criterion. The food has to replenish the energy we lost during our all-day-long activities. One of that food is the egg. An egg has high-quality proteins, minerals, good fats, vitamins, and various nutrients. Eggs can most certainly ease your appetite and give you back the energy you lost.

But a thing about the egg is it is very fragile, and slight pressure on it will crack the shell open, and it will get over all your belongings. So, don’t just pack them haphazardly. Packing eggs for camping can be a fun and easy way to have a delicious breakfast or snack on the go. Follow these simple tips to pack your eggs safely and efficiently.

Things You Should Know Before Packing Egg

A few things have to be carefully thought over by you before you start packing eggs for camp. Before you start packing, let’s go over a few things, so you don’t jeopardize the egg’s freshness and protect yourself and the other campers from food sickness and salmonella.

  • Store-bought eggs can be kept in the fridge for up to 3-5 weeks; however, when you keep egg in room temperature, they must be consumed within 1 to 2 days.
  • Farm fresh eggs can indeed be preserved for up to a month in a dry atmosphere at relatively cold temperatures.
  • When eggs are not refrigerated, the issue of food safety emerges because they begin to sweat, which provides the ideal environment for bacteria to form and enter the porous shell of the egg.
  • If you’re camping far out in the woods, miles from a hospital, it’ll be difficult to obtain care fast if someone becomes ill due to incorrect perishable food storage. Food poisoning affects one out of every 10,000 persons, with most instances being caused by improper food storage and handling.
  • Another point to note is that salmonella has no odor and does not make the egg smell terrible, providing the impression of safety. In truth, it’s rarely salmonella that causes eggs to stink.

Packing Eggs for Camping

Eggs are a delicious breakfast option, especially while camping, not just because of the taste but also because everything tastes better when cooked over an open fire. So, before you run out and buy some costly egg protection that claims your egg can survive a 30-foot drop without a scratch, let’s look at some cheap and pragmatic ways to make sure you can have scrambled eggs in a skillet instead of scrambled eggs in the bottom of your rucksack.

1. Eggs in a Water Bottle

It isn’t easy to go across the countryside with a dozen or more eggs without breaking at least one. You can take your eggs with you in a water bottle which is very convenient for transporting them without worrying about broken shells. There are two possible water bottle methods you can try.

One method is to stuff as many as you can into the bottle. Depending on their diameter, you can stack the bottles on top of one other or position them side by side. Fill the bottle with cold water to the brim and tightly close the cover once all of the eggs are in place.

Water will offer the required cushion to absorb the shocks while keeping the eggs cool for an extended period. If you wish to extend the shelf life of the water bottle, place it inside a woolen sock for insulation.

You can try this method, and you will not have to worry about your eggs breaking. You can take one or more water bottles, place eggs inside them, seal the bottle tight, and put them in the cooler. If there is not excessively shaken, you can even enjoy your eggs sunny side up.

But if you want scrambled eggs, you can shake the bottle and pour the pre-scrambled eggs into the skillet when you arrive at camp. If stored properly in an airtight container, pre-cracked eggs will last two days. If you wish to make the eggs last longer, you can refrigerate them. But that is all you can do.

2. Pre-freeze the Egg Mixture

Like the water bottle approach, instead of storing in a water bottle, scramble the eggs and transfer them into a freezer sealable bag. This is ideal preparation for pre-planned excursions. Because they’re frozen in freezer bags, they’ll stay cool for longer, reducing the danger of spoilage, and the flattened shape of the sealable bag helps maximize space for other food items.

3. Carrying Whole Eggs

Transport full eggs come with its own set of problems. You must pack them tightly to avoid cracking the eggshells. Also, the eggs must be kept at a temperature below 7-8 degrees Celcius.

You’ll need to buy a nice cooler or try some DIY solutions to keep the eggs cool and avoid possible breakage.

4. Packing Eggs in a Rice Container

Another clever way to transport whole eggs to a camping trip is to use this method. You pack your eggs into a container and fill it with rice instead of water. As you may know, rice is also a very appropriate food item to take with you camping.

Rice is an odorless food item that will not attract wildlife while cooking. It will give you the necessary calorie that you will need throughout the day, and it goes well with your eggs.

Rice does not pack tightly and contains small spaces between the grains that are excellent shock absorbers. As a result, it will safeguard the eggs inside by absorbing all the shocks.

5. Carrying Powdered Eggs and Dehydrating Them

Dehydrated scrambled eggs, made by merely adding water, are another popular alternative, particularly among travelers. This egg mix has developed over time, and various brands are now available.If you feel like that this will be a prolonged camping trip, then there is no way you can bring whole eggs. Thats why this is the best option for you. It is nutrient-dense, yet it lacks the flavor of freshly scrambled eggs.

If you know about how any powdered products are made then you will also know that powdered eggs are made in the same way which is by dehydrating them. You have to mix the powdered products with water in order to consume them. Powdered eggs are no different.

The longest powdered eggs have been known to last is around two years! The pack should have an expiration date inscribed on it if you look closely. If your pack has passed that date, it’s best to toss it and obtain a new one.

6. Pack Boiled Eggs

Another fantastic way to carry eggs camping is hard-boiled. They can be kept out of the fridge for 3-5 days, but you should always smell the egg before eating it. Don’t risk it if it smells awful or like sulfur. I prefer to eat my eggs on the first, or at the very least the second, day of my trip.

Before going camping, boil the eggs for about ten minutes and then don’t cool them in cold water. Allow them to cool naturally, and ensure the shell is intact to ensure an airtight seal.

Keep in Mind

  • When it comes to cracked eggs, be cautious. Freezing and insulating is your best bet if you don’t want to utilize dry or whole eggs. The most crucial consideration is odor; therefore, double-pack everything you bring to avoid being greeted by wildlife.
  • They can last for a week or two if kept refrigerated. However, you must realize how warm air is allowed to flow inside each time you open your cooler. As a result, it is safer to anticipate that eggs will last 3-5 days in a refrigerator.
  • You could look for eggs that haven’t been washed. They last longer than those purchased directly from the store. Unwashed eggs can be used for several days. This is because washing eggs removes their natural protective covering, which keeps them airtight. If you need to carry the eggs this way, you might cover them with coconut oil or bacon grease to simulate this natural protective covering.


Food is essential to make your camping fun and fulfilling. But it should not ruin your camping trip. So, pre-planning everything beforehand is quite helpful. It would help if you remembered to plan ahead and pack smart.

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